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cyrus tang hematology center

A World-Class Facility Aiming to Conduct Research on
Blood-Born Illnesses

The Tang Zhongying Hematology Research Center of Soochow University has successfully introduced 13 distinguished young and middle-aged professors with outstanding achievements from first-class universities and research institutes at home and abroad, forming 15 scientific research innovation teams, accumulatively awarded "973" and "863" by the Ministry of Science and Technology More than 120 projects such as major new drug creation and research projects, with funding exceeding 100 million yuan; more than 400 SCI papers have been published in world-class academic journals such as Nature, PANS, and Blood; 32 patents have been applied and 5 have been authorized


The center has made international leading work in platelet physiology and activation and thrombosis mechanism; made pioneering work in cardiac protease Corin, and the role of Tie1, Tie2 and VEGFR3 in angiolymphatic vessels; in malignant hematological diseases A series of important advances have been made in the molecular mechanism of cells. And won 2 second prizes of the National Science and Technology Progress Award and a number of provincial and ministerial awards such as the first prize of Jiangsu Province Science and Technology Progress Award.

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The Hematology Center serves as a state-of-the-art platform for research and technological innovation in hematology, a nationally recognized field of study at Soochow University. The Center opened in November 2009. Researchers at the Center conduct cutting-edge research in the areas of thrombosis, hemostasis, and hematological disorders.

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